Saturday, September 12, 2009


We're off and running.

Ian played his first soccer game in 3 years, having played football for the past 2.  I guess it's like riding a bike, because he came out swinging, uh, I mean kicking, by scoring the first goal of his team's season, and the game.  

One big difference of playing when you're 13 (well, almost 13 in Ian's case) versus 10, is that they play a "real" soccer regulation game; meaning they play two 45-minute halfs.  And Ian wasn't substituted for the entire game!  He was one tired little cookie.   He says he doesn't miss football one bit. . .

Soccer is Lane's game. 

For some reason, he seems to have embraced it more than baseball - Eric must be brainwashing him somehow.  All kidding aside, soccer is a great sport for kids, and I love how our Hillwood league starts them out.  They play 3-on-3, so they don't just look like swarm of bees running around, and you can actually follow the ball.  The "Cheetah's" were outscored today, but a great time was had by all.

Due to a scheduling confict, Tanner's game was postponed.  He did manage to get a few kicks in though.

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